Next cohort begins September 28th, 2023

$3,950 AUD

DEI Practitioner Master Class

Over the past seven years, we've helped hundreds of organisations follow the science to reduce bias and increase inclusion through rigorous research and applicable concepts that create change. We do this by starting with the brain: anchoring DEI initiatives on what we know works from basic biological science.

Our DEI Practitioner Master Class will enable you to approach DEI from a scientific perspective that drives results.

The DEI Practitioner Master Class is SHRM accredited for 30 professional development credits.

SHRM Logo 2021

This virtual program will take you through, step by step, helping you build a science-based DEI strategy.

Starting with how to mobilise leaders, all the way through to measuring impact, we will draw on the best of research along with opportunities to learn from peers.

This program offers a unique opportunity to expand your expertise and improve your DEI practices.


Find out more about our program

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Event schedule

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Prioritize Diversity

Thursday, Sept. 28, 2023 – Thursday, Oct. 19, 2023

  • Welcome to the DEI Master Class
  • Value Diversity
  • Leverage Diversity
  • Recruit Champions
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Activate Inclusive Behaviors

Thursday, Nov. 2, 2023 – Thursday, Nov. 16, 2023

  • Action Break
  • Define Inclusion
  • Set the Standards
  • Change Behaviours
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Advance Equity Systemically

Thursday, Nov. 30, 2023 – Thursday, Dec. 14, 2023

  • Action Break
  • Establish Equity Standards
  • Close Equity Gaps
  • Activate the Change

Schedule subject to change with appropriate notice. Live tele-calls hosted on Thursdays 9:00am-10:30am AEST unless stated otherwise.

Learning Outcomes

DEI Master Class Outcomes

This program will teach you how to apply the research and science-based concepts to:

  • Build the case for making diversity a priority
  • Identify the behavior change needed to leverage diversity
  • Re-design systems to ensure access, accessibility and representation
  • Identify how to measure the impact of DEI on your organisation
  • Mobilise your leaders and the wider organisation

SHRM Logo 2021